People in the project


ViroidDoc and its partner network brings together 14 leading research laboratories in EU, academic partners from Argentina and the USA, 5 non-academic partners from different sectors (plant breeding, plant pathogen diagnostics, plant protection and consulting) and University incubator offering entrepreneurial consulting and mentoring. This cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary framework provides a stimulating training environment for the DCs. The consortium includes both distinguished professors with decades of teaching experience and young scientists who are just beginning to establish themselves in the field.

Meet supervisors for doctoral degree

Aline Koch

Aline Koch

University of Regensburg (UR), Germany

Professor of Plant RNA Transport and researcher at the Department of Cell Biology and Plant Biochemistry. Her research group focuses on developing sustainable RNA-based technologies, including non-GMO RNA spray applications for environmentally friendly crop protection and gene editing.

Beatriz Navarro

Beatriz Navarro Ramirez

The National Research Council (CNR), Italy

Senior researcher at the Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection (IPSP) of the CNR. Her research focuses on the study of the molecular interactions between viroids/virus and their host plants.

Francesco di Serio

 Francesco di Serio

The National Research Council (CNR), Italy

Senior researcher and the Director of the Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection (IPSP), investigating plant anti-viroid defence and viroid pathogenesis. His current research focuses on epigenetic changes and modulation of gene expression induced by viroids and viroid-like RNAs.

Jernej Jakše

Jernej Jakše

University of Ljubljana (UL), Slovenia

Full professor of genetics at the University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Agronomy Department. His work spans both basic and applied research in genetics and biotechnology, where he employs cutting-edge research.

Jose Antonio Daros

José-Antonio Daròs

Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain

Research Professor at the Institute for Plant Molecular and Cell Biology (IBMCP). His research group is developing new biotechnological strategies for crop protection and repurposing plant viruses and viroids into useful tools for biotechnology and synthetic biology.

Kriton Kalantidis

Kriton Kalantidis

University of Crete (UoC), Greece

Professor of Plant Developmental Biology at the Department of Biology at the UoC.  His research interests focus on viroid/virus-plant interactions and RNA silencing pathways in plants.

Manfred Heinlein

Manfred Heinlein

National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France

Senior research professor at the CNRS Institute of plant molecular biology (IBMP) in Strasbourg. At the CNRS his work is focused on molecular plant-virus interactions at the level of defense responses.

Prof. Dr. Nataša Štajner

Nataša Štajner

University of Ljubljana (UL), Slovenia

Chair of Genetics, Biotechnology, Statistics, and Plant Breeding at the University of Ljubljana’s
Biotechnical Faculty. She specializes in plant genetics and biotechnology, focusing on developing molecular.

Purificacion Lison

Purificación Lisón

Valencia Polytechnic University (UPV), Spain

Associate Professor at the UPV and researcher at the Institute for Plant Molecular and Cell Biology (IBMCP). Her research focuses on viroid pathogenesis and the role of plant metabolites that accumulate under biotic stress.

Sebastjan Radišek

Sebastjan Radišek

Slovenian Institute of Hop Research and Brewing (IHPS), Slovenia

Plant pathologist in the Plant Protection Diagnostics Laboratory. His main research interests are epidemiology, plant-pathogen interactions and integrated disease management strategies, with emphasis on viruses and viroids in hops, as well as Verticillium and Fusarium wilts.

Samo Hočevar

Samo Hočevar

National institute of chemistry (NIC), Slovenia

Senior researcher and Head of the
Department of Analytical Chemistry. His research interests include the development, study, miniaturization, and application of advanced electrochemical sensors, such as trace metal sensors, gas sensors, and biosensors (immunosensors, genosensors).

Meet supervisors for secondment

Arben Merkoçi

ICN2 - Nanobioelectronics & Biosensors, Spain

Eduardo José Peña

UNLP - Inst. de Biotecnología y Biología Molecular, Argentina

Maja Mikulič Petkovšek

UL – Biotechnical Faculty, Slovenia

Marcin Smiglak

Innosil, Poland

Marcos de la Peña

CSIC, Spain

Miroslav Fojta

CAS – Institute of Biophysics, Czech Republic

Yolanda Hernando

AP, Spain

Doctoral Candidates

International, multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral ViroiDoc doctoral training program encompasses different types of training activities:

  1. Individual Research Projects including secondments.
  2. Enrolment in a PhD programme and training by local doctoral schools.
  3. Network-wide training in scientific, technical, entrepreneurial and transferable skills.

ViroiDoc's mission

ViroiDoc's mission is to prepare 10 doctoral students (DCs) for careers in molecular biology, bioinformatics, research, product and service development in European agriculture and innovation development. The ViroiDoc consortium, composed of researchers with complementary expertise in basic research (molecular biology, biotechnology, genetics, bioinformatics), applied sciences (nano- and sensor technologies) and innovation development (plant protection, plant diagnostics, plant breeding), will provide DCs with excellent scientific, methodological and soft skills. Exposure to an international environment and different industries will allow them to build a valuable network of contacts, providing a solid foundation for future research collaborations and direct employment opportunities. Finally, ViroiDoc will contribute to European research excellence, foster technology transfer and raise awareness of viroid issues, thus improving food safety and the sustainability of agriculture in Europe and beyond.

Contact us

Individiual doctoral projects

  1.  Doctoral candidate at the University of Ljubljana (UL), Slovenia
  2. Doctoral candidate at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France
  3. Doctoral candidate at the National Research Council (CNR), Italy
  4. Doctoral candidate at the University of Crete (UoC), Greece
  5. Doctoral candidate at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spian
  6. Doctoral candidate at the National institute of chemistry (NIC), Slovenia
  7. Doctoral candidate at the Valencia Polytechnic University (UPV), Spain
  8. Doctoral candidate at the University of Regensburg (UREG), Germany
  9. Doctoral candidate at the Slovenian Institute of Hop Research and Brewing (IHPS), Slovenia

Job vacancies

The University of Ljubljana has an opening for N° (words) PhD student position as part of the ViroiDoc MSCA Doctorate Network, with starting date in xxx 2025. This job is funded through the EU Research Framework Programme Horizon Europe – MSCA, Reference Number HORIZON-MSCA-2023-DN-01-01, Marie Curie Grant Agreement Number: 101169421

Application deadline: 1st March 2025

ViroiDoc Program aims to train highly qualified and forward-thinking PhD candidates in various fields of molecular biology, biotechnology, genetics, bioinformatics, nano- and sensor technologies, plant protection, plant diagnostics, plant breeding. It will provide PhD candidates with the opportunity for international, intersectoral, and interdisciplinary training under working in competitive conditions. Open, transparent, and merit-based recruitment procedure.

What is ViroiDoc?

ViroiDoc is an international, multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral PhD network that aims to thoroughly understand and tackle viroids in line with the European Green Deal and the Farm-to-Fork strategy for sustainable crop production and food security.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Research Experience: Applicants must be holding a master’s degree on the dare of the call deadline
  • Academic transcripts, diplomas, and professional qualifications.
  • Relevant skills in areas like research methodologies, languages, technical expertise, etc.
  • Master degree
  • Description of prior research experience (internships, publications, conference presentations, etc.).
  • Mobility Rule: Not resided/main activity in XXX country for more than 12 months in ithe 3 years before deadline
See full Open call document

What do we offer?

3-year contract, research training, access to international scientific networks.

How to apply?

Fill in the online application form.
Attach required files: Motivation letter, CV, Recommendation letter, Diploma and transcripts of records (BSc and MSc), Language proficiency certificates.

Application deadline: 1st March 2025

For further information, contact:

Online application form