Manfred Heinlein

Manfred Heinlein is senior research professor at the CNRS Institute of plant molecular biology (IBMP) in Strasbourg. After his PhD on Barbara McClintock’s transposable elements in maize at the Max Dellbrück Institute of Genetics and the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Breeding Research in Cologne, he joined Roger Beachy at the Scripps Research Institute where he established in vivo imaging with GFP and other tools to study the cell biology of plant viruses and their movement proteins. In continuing these studies as group leader at the Friedrich Miescher Institute (FMI) and assistant professor at the University in Basel, he identified fundamental host factors and processes involved in plant virus infection. At the CNRS his work is focused on molecular plant-virus interactions at the level of defence responses, on developing sustainable approaches for crop protection using RNA sprays, and on molecular mechanisms of plant tolerance to viruses.

List of representative bibliography

  1. Huang C, Sede AR, Elvira-Gonzales L, Yan Y, Rodiguez M, Mutterer J, Boutant E, Shan L, Heinlein M (2023) dsRNA-induced immunity targets plasmodesmata and is suppressed by viral movement proteins. Plant Cell 35, 3845-3869.
  2. Peña EJ, Robles Luna G, Heinlein M (2021) In vivo imaging of tagged mRNA in plant tissues using the bacterial transcriptional antiterminator BglG. Plant J 105, 271-282
  3. Pitzalis N, Amari K, Graindorge S, Pflieger D, Donaire L, Wassenegger M, Llave C, Heinlein M (2020) Turnip mosaic virus in oilseed rape activates networks of sRNA-mediated interactions between viral and host genomes. Commun Biol3, 702
  4. Kørner CJ, Pitzalis N, Peña EJ, Erhardt M, Vazquez F, Heinlein M (2018) Crosstalk between PTGS and TGS pathways in natural antiviral immunity and disease recovery. Nat Plants 4, 157-164
  5. Niehl A, Soininen M, Poranen MM, Heinlein M (2018) Synthetic biology approach for plant protection using dsRNA. Plant Biotechnol. J. 16, 1679-1687
  6. Niehl A, Wyrsch I, Boller T, Heinlein M (2016) Double-stranded RNA induces a pattern-triggered immune signaling pathway in plants. New Phytol. 211, 1008-1019
  7. Heinlein M (2015) Plant virus replication and movement. Virology 497-480, 657-671
  8. Kovalchuk I, Kovalchuk O, Kalck V, Boyko V, Filkowski J, Heinlein M, and Hohn B (2003) Pathogen-induced systemic signal triggers genome instability. Nature 423, 760-762
  9. Boyko V, Ferralli J, Ashby J, Schellenbaum P, Heinlein M (2000) Function of microtubules in intercellular transport of plant virus RNA. Nature Cell Biol 2, 826-832
  10. Heinlein M, Epel BL, Padgett HS, and Beachy, RN (1995) Interaction of tobamovirus movement proteins with the plant cytoskeleton. Science
    270, 1983-1985

Relevant Research Projects

  1. Plant tolerance to RNA viruses: molecular and genetic determinants, GreenTolerance, 2022-2025, ANR  
  2. Target-specific RNA-based bioprotectants for sustainable crop production in a changing climate, BioProtect, 2021-2025, ERA-NET SusCrop 2,