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OPEN CALL for 10 PhD POSITIONS in MSCA Doctoral Network "ViroiDoc”

ViroiDoc - Advanced Research on Viroid Pathogenesis and Control for Agricultural Sustainability

This project is funded by the European Research Executive Agency (HORIZON-MSCA-2023-DN-01-01).

The Doctoral Network ViroiDoc offers exciting projects ron viroids, the smallest plant pathogens, and viroid-like RNAs that have only recently been discovered outside the plant kingdom. The programme includes secondments to partner laboratories or companies involved in plant breeding and plant protection located in Argentina, the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland and Spain.
Career development and international mobility of researchers is a key concept within the MSCA-DN framework. The ViroiDoc training program is international, multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral. The training program consists of individual research projects (IRP), training by local doctoral schools and specific ViroiDoc network-wide training in scientific, technical, digital, entrepreneurial and transferable skills. By exposure to an international environment and different industries you will build a valuable network of contacts, providing a solid foundation for future research collaborations and direct employment opportunities in both the academic and the non-academic sectors working in molecular biology, bioinformatics, or in product and service development in European agriculture and innovation development.

See full Open call document

Viroids and Viroid-like RNAs

Infectious single circular RNA molecules.

Understudied, widespread and fast evolving.

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ViroiDoc at a glance

We bridge knowledge gaps in viroid research, from molecular pathogenesis to host interactions and trafficking. Our innovations include CRISPR/Cas-based diagnostics, live imaging tools, and risk assessments. With solutions like resistance breeding targets, RNA-based biopesticides, and antiviroidal therapeutics, we’re advancing plant health and sustainable agriculture.

Ikone - ViroiDoc at a glance

Viroids&Viroid-like RNAs

  • Infectious single circular RNA molecules
  • Understudied, widespread and fast evolving
Ikone - ViroiDoc at a glance

ViroiDoc ambition

  • Tackle knowledge gaps
  • Deliver risk assessments
  • Develop solutions for CRISPR/Cas
  • Provide viroid interventions
Ikone - ViroiDoc at a glance


  • Boost careers
  • Excellent EU R&I landscape and sustainable collaboration
  • Public awareness
  • Food Safety policy recommendations
Ikone - ViroiDoc at a glance


  • Multinational, multidisciplinary and multisectoral
  • 11 Countries
  • 16 Academic institutions
  • 6 Industry partners
Ikone - ViroiDoc at a glance

ViroiDoc training

  • Expertise in molecular biology, genetics and genomics,...
  • Skilled in programming, machine learning,...
  • Basics of IPR and entrepreneurship
Ikone - ViroiDoc at a glance

Threat to crops

  • Viroid diseases
  • International trade & global warming

Open positions:

  • DC1 in Slovenia IRP How Disrupting Viroid Biogenesis Impacts Viroid propagation at the University of Ljubljana (UL) – Biotechnical Faculty, Chair of Genetics, Biotechnology, Statistics and Plant Breeding).
  • DC2 in Slovenia IRP Climate change impact on viroid diseases at the Slovenian Institute of Hop Research and Brewing (IHPS) in cooperation with the University of Ljubljana (Biotechnical Faculty, Chair of Genetics, Biotechnology, Statistics and Plant Breeding).
  • DC3 in Slovenia IRP Development of a disposable, selective, and sensitive electrochemical sensor for on-site detection of plant viroids at the National Institute of Chemistry (NIC) in cooperation with the University of Ljubljana (Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology).
  • DC4 in France IRP In vivo imaging of viroid RNA and associated host factors at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut de biologie moléculaire des plantes (IBMP), affiliated with the University of Strasbourg (École doctorale des Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé,) Strasbourg.
  • DC5 in Spain IRP Point-of-care viroid diagnosis based on CRISPR-Cas technologies at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in cooperation with the Valencia Polytechnic University (UPV).
  • DC6 in Spain IRP Development of novel antiviroidal strategies: towards drug discovery at the Valencia Polytechnic University (UPV).
  • DC7 in Italy IRP Dissection of viroid pathogenesis through omics and phenotyping approaches at the CNR-IPSP in cooperation with the Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro (UNIBA-DiSSPA).
  • DC8 in Italy IRP Identification and characterization of novel infectious circular viroid-like RNAs in hosts belonging to different kingdoms at the CNR-IPSP in cooperation with the Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro (UNIBA-DiSSPA).
  • DC9 in Greece IRP How disrupting host factors suppresses viroid infectivity at the University of Crete (UoC).
  • DC10 in Germany IRP RNA sprays - precision tools for the modulation of host genes to develop viroid resistance at the University of Regensburg (UREG).
  • DC1 in Slovenia IRP How Disrupting Viroid Biogenesis Impacts Viroid propagation at the University of Ljubljana (UL) – Biotechnical Faculty, Chair of Genetics, Biotechnology, Statistics and Plant Breeding).
  • DC2 in Slovenia IRP Climate change impact on viroid diseases at the Slovenian Institute of Hop Research and Brewing (IHPS) in cooperation with the University of Ljubljana (Biotechnical Faculty, Chair of Genetics, Biotechnology, Statistics and Plant Breeding).
  • DC3 in Slovenia IRP Development of a disposable, selective, and sensitive electrochemical sensor for on-site detection of plant viroids at the National Institute of Chemistry (NIC) in cooperation with the University of Ljubljana (Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology).
  • DC4 in France IRP In vivo imaging of viroid RNA and associated host factors at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut de biologie moléculaire des plantes (IBMP), affiliated with the University of Strasbourg (École doctorale des Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé,) Strasbourg.
  • DC5 in Spain IRP Point-of-care viroid diagnosis based on CRISPR-Cas technologies at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in cooperation with the Valencia Polytechnic University (UPV).
  • DC6 in Spain
  • DC7 in Italy
  • DC8 in Italy
  • DC9 in Greece
  • DC10 in Germany