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OPEN CALL for 10 PhD POSITIONS in MSCA Doctoral Network "ViroiDoc”
ViroiDoc - Advanced Research on Viroid Pathogenesis and Control for Agricultural Sustainability
This project is funded by the European Research Executive Agency (HORIZON-MSCA-2023-DN-01-01).
The Doctoral Network ViroiDoc offers exciting projects ron viroids, the smallest plant pathogens, and viroid-like RNAs that have only recently been discovered outside the plant kingdom. The programme includes secondments to partner laboratories or companies involved in plant breeding and plant protection located in Argentina, the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland and Spain.
Career development and international mobility of researchers is a key concept within the MSCA-DN framework. The ViroiDoc training program is international, multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral. The training program consists of individual research projects (IRP), training by local doctoral schools and specific ViroiDoc network-wide training in scientific, technical, digital, entrepreneurial and transferable skills. By exposure to an international environment and different industries you will build a valuable network of contacts, providing a solid foundation for future research collaborations and direct employment opportunities in both the academic and the non-academic sectors working in molecular biology, bioinformatics, or in product and service development in European agriculture and innovation development.
List of Associated partners
Abiopep SL / AbioPep (AP), Spain
- Accelopment Schweiz AG / Accelopment Swiss (accelCH), Switzerland
- Biofyzikalni ustav akademie ved ceske republiky / Institute of Biophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS), Czech Republic
- Bioreba AG / Bioreba (Bioreba), Switzerland
- Elsner pac Jungpflanzen GbR (Elsner pac), Germany
- Fundacio institut Catala de Nanociencia i Nanotecnologia / Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), Spain
- Innosil Sp. z o.o. (Innosil), Poland
- Institut Jožef Stefan / Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI), Slovenia
- Ljubljanski univerzitetni inkubator doo / Ljubljana University Incubator (LUI), Slovenia
- Universidad Nacional de La Plata / National University of La Plata (UNLP), Argentina
- Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro / University of Bari (UniBa), Italy
- Universite de Strasbourg / University of Strasbourg (UDS), France
- University of Florida (UF), Dept. of Plant Pathology, United States of America
Viroids and Viroid-like RNAs
Infectious single circular RNA molecules.
Understudied, widespread and fast evolving.
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ViroiDoc at a glance
We bridge knowledge gaps in viroid research, from molecular pathogenesis to host interactions and trafficking. Our innovations include CRISPR/Cas-based diagnostics, live imaging tools, and risk assessments. With solutions like resistance breeding targets, RNA-based biopesticides, and antiviroidal therapeutics, we’re advancing plant health and sustainable agriculture.
Open positions: