ViroiDoc Project

About the project

ViroiDoc is an international, multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral doctoral network that aims to thoroughly understand and tackle viroids in line with the European Green Deal and the Farm-to-Fork strategy for sustainable crop production and food security.

ViroiDoc research focuses on two main areas

Viroids are the smallest known plant pathogens consisting of a single circular RNA molecule. Annually, they are responsible for crop losses in the millions of euros worldwide. These losses impact both crop yields and quality. The international trade and climate change have enabled the spread of viroids to new geographical regions and hosts, thereby threatening global food security.

Viroid-like RNAs have only recently been discovered outside the plant kingdom using advanced sequencing technologies and computational analyses. Their exact functions remain largely unknown. Some viroid-like RNAs are infectious and capable of autonomous replication. For instance, a few viroid-like RNAs have been found to successfully infect fungi and human oral and gut bacteria.

What ViroiDoc aims to achieve?

Close the knowledge gaps

Close the knowledge gaps

  • molecular mechanisms of viroid pathogenesis
  • viroid and viroid-like RNA-host interactions
  • viroid intra- and intercellular trafficking
Assess the risks

Assess the risks

  • global warming on viroid infections
  • characterize new viroids and viroid-like RNAs
Develop viroid diagnostics

Develop viroid diagnostics

  • CRISPR/Cas- and sensor-based devices
  • early detection
  • surveillance on the field
Provide viroid interventions

Provide viroid interventions

  • breeding targets
  • inducers of plant immunity
  • RNA-based biopesticides
  • antiviroidal agents
Enhance the quality of university curricula

Enhance the quality of university curricula

  • innovative training modules
  • benefit student career paths
Create collaborative RNA-oriented ecosystem

Create collaborative RNA-oriented ecosystem

  • shared scientific protocols and methods
  • open access to early data and results
  • regular staff exchanges
  • establish strategic partnerships

ViroiDoc Consortium

ViroidDoc is a consortium of 14 leading research laboratories in the EU, academic partners from Argentina and the USA, and 5 industry partners from various sectors, including plant breeding, plant pathogen diagnostics, plant protection and consulting. The network also includes a university incubator that provides entrepreneurial consulting and mentoring.

The ViroiDoc consortium comprises researchers with complementary expertise in the following areas:

Basic research

Molecular biology, biotechnology, genetics, bioinformatics.

Applied sciences

Nano- and sensor technologies.

Innovation development

Plant protection, plant pathogen diagnostics, plant breeding.

List of Associated partners

Horizon Europe MSCA

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) under the EU research framework programme Horizon Europe support excellence in research and innovation. The MSCA funds doctoral and postdoctoral programmes and collaborative research and innovation projects with various calls. ViroiDoc project is funded through the Horizon Europe – MSCA Doctoral Networks

About MSCA

The programme promotes the uptake of the principles of the Charter for Researchers and the objectives of the European framework for research careers by improving recruitment and working conditions and setting standards for researchers. The MSCA also make a notable contribution to the reform of research assessment systems, promoting a broad definition of excellence and diverse career paths, in line with the European Commission’s commitment to the process initiated by the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA).

About MSCA Doctoral Networks Action

Doctoral Networks implement programmes to recruit and train doctoral candidates in academia and other sectors, including industry, businesses, and public administrations. The scheme includes the development of joint degrees, including a possible European degree, and industrial doctorates, training doctoral candidates in academia and other sectors, including industry and business.