ViroiDoc Project
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About the project
ViroiDoc – Advanced Research on Viroid Pathogenesis and Control for Agricultural Sustainability. ViroiDoc – Advanced Research on Viroid Pathogenesis and Control for Agricultural Sustainability. ViroiDoc – Advanced Research on Viroid Pathogenesis and Control for Agricultural Sustainability.
ViroiDoc at a glance
We bridge knowledge gaps in viroid research, from molecular pathogenesis to host interactions and trafficking. Our innovations include CRISPR/Cas-based diagnostics, live imaging tools, and risk assessments. With solutions like resistance breeding targets, RNA-based biopesticides, and antiviroidal therapeutics, we’re advancing plant health and sustainable agriculture.
Viroids, the smallest infectious pathogens, cause crop losses in the millions of euros every year and affect crop yields and quality worldwide. Climate change allows viroids to invade new geographical areas and hosts, posing a threat to global food security.
ViroiDoc is an international, multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral PhD network that aims to thoroughly understand and tackle viroids in line with the European Green Deal and the Farm-to-Fork strategy for sustainable crop production and food security.
ViroiDoc will:
fill knowledge gaps in molecular pathogenesis and host interactions of viroids,
assess the impact of climate change on viroid infection,
characterize emerging viroids and viroid-like RNAs in plants and fungi,
develop innovative CRISPR/Cas and sensor-based diagnostics for early detection of viroid infections, and,
provide viroid interventions, including breeding targets, antiviroidal agents, and RNA-based biopesticides.
Project Consortium
This cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary framework provides a stimulating training environment for the Doctoral Candidates.
ViroidDoc and its partner network brings together 14 leading research laboratories in EU, academic partners from Argentina and the USA, 5 non-academic partners from different sectors (plant breeding, plant pathogen diagnostics, plant protection and consulting) and University incubator offering entrepreneurial consulting and mentoring.
The ViroiDoc consortium is composed of researchers with complementary expertise in basic research (molecular biology, biotechnology, genetics, bioinformatics), applied sciences (nano- and sensor technologies) and innovation development (plant protection, plant diagnostics, plant breeding).
The ViroiDoc project is coordinated by the University of Ljubljana (Biotechnical faculty, Department of Agronomy) and funded by the European Union within the Horizon Europe MSCA Doctoral Networks.
Project coordinator
Project partners
List of Associated partners
- Biofyzikalni ustav akademie ved ceske republiky / Institute of Biophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS), Czech Republic
- Fundacio institut Catala de Nanociencia i Nanotecnologia / Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), Spain
- Universidad Nacional de La Plata / National University of La Plata (UNLP), Argentina
- Abiopep SL / AbioPep (AP), Spain
- Elsner pac Jungpflanzen GbR (Elsner pac), Germany
- Innosil Sp. z o.o. / Innosil (Innosil), Poland
- Accelopment Schweiz AG / Accelopment Swiss (accelCH), Switzerland
- Bioreba AG / Bioreba (Bioreba), Switzerland
- Ljubljanski univerzitetni inkubator doo / Ljubljana University Incubator (LUI), Slovenia
- Institut Jožef Stefan / Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI), Slovenia
- Ying Wang UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA (UF), United States of America
- Universite de Strasbourg / University of Strasbourg (UDS), France
- Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro / University of Bari (UniBa), Italy
Horizon Europe MSCA
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) under the EU research framework programme Horizon Europe support excellence in research and innovation. The MSCA funds doctoral and postdoctoral programmes and collaborative research and innovation projects with various calls. ViroiDoc project is funded through the Horizon Europe – MSCA Doctoral Networks.
About MSCA
The programme promotes the uptake of the principles of the Charter for Researchers and the objectives of the European framework for research careers by improving recruitment and working conditions and setting standards for researchers. The MSCA also make a notable contribution to the reform of research assessment systems, promoting a broad definition of excellence and diverse career paths, in line with the European Commission’s commitment to the process initiated by the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA).
About MSCA Doctoral Networks Action
Doctoral Networks implement programmes to recruit and train doctoral candidates in academia and other sectors, including industry, businesses, and public administrations. The scheme includes the development of joint degrees, including a possible European degree, and industrial doctorates, training doctoral candidates in academia and other sectors, including industry and business.
- Discover the MSCA, its funding opportunities and jobs for researchers.
- Get guidance by MSCA National Contact Points.
- Find out more about the EU Horizon Europe programme.