The ViroiDoc Doctoral Network is looking for 10 highly motivated Doctoral Candidates (DCs) to join research laboratories in France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Slovenia and Spain.
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ViroiDoc training
The ViroiDoc training is international, comprehensive, cross-sector and interdisciplinary training programme in academic and non-academic institutions.
The training programme consists of individual research projects, training through local doctoral schools and specific ViroiDoc network-wide training in scientific, technical, digital, entrepreneurial and transferable skills.
ViroiDoc’s training programme expands career paths and employment opportunities for Doctoral Candidates.
ViroiDoc Blog
The ViroiDoc blog provides insights into viroids and related topics. Project collaborators and invited guests will share their ideas, expertise and updates on viroids and related topics.
ViroiDoc Podcast
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This site helps researchers, scientists etc. to find academic papers, scientific articles, tools and resources relevant to their work. Find and explore.
- A comprehensive Doctoral Candidates starter kit by Accelopment.
- Horizon Results Booster, the European Commission initiative providing a set of services to EU-funded projects.
- CORDIS, multilingual articles and publications that highlight research results, based on an open repository of EU project information.
- EU Innovation Radar Platform to identify high potential innovations and innovators in EU-funded research and innovation projects.
- EU R&I Success Stories, a collection of the most recent success stories from EU-funded Research & Innovation.
- Horizon Dashboard, knowledge platform with statistics and data on EU research and innovation.
- What Are Viroids? Taking A Peek At The World’s Smallest Pathogens (2023) by William A. Haseltine in Forbes.
- Viroid-like colonists of human microbiomes (2024) by Ivan N. Zheludev, Robert C. Edgar, Maria Jose Lopez-Galiano, Marcos de la Peña, Artem Babaian, Ami S. Bhatt and Andrew Z. Fire on Science Direct.
Explore Opportunities
- Horizon Europe, EU research and innovation funding programme until 2027.
- Horizon Europe MSCA, its funding opportunities and jobs for researchers.
- Horizon Europe MSCA Doctoral Networks, funds doctoral programmes.
- Get guidance by MSCA National Contact Points.
- EU Funding & Tenders Portal with calls for proposals and project results.
- CORDIS - EU research results.
- Science is wonderful, part of MSCA.
- European Researchers' Night offer a glimpse into the fascinating world of science.
- Citizen science is any activity that involves the public in scientific research.
- Researchers at Schools: researchers meet children to show the wonders of science.