Viroids detected in the human microbiome

Viroids detected in the human microbiome

About obelisks that have colonized and gone unnoticed in human and global microbiomes. Recommended reading.

Authors observations identify obelisks as a class of diverse RNAs of yet-to-be-determined impact that have colonized and gone unnoticed in human and global microbiomes.
In their article Ivan N. Zheludev, Robert C. Edgar, Maria Jose Lopez-Galiano, Marcos de la Peña, Artem Babaian, Ami S. Bhatt and Andrew Z. Fire highlight that:

  • Obelisks are a phylogenetically distinct group of microbiome-associated, viroid-like RNAs
  • Found globally in diverse niches, obelisks also occur in human stool and oral microbiomes
  • The human oral bacterium Streptococcus sanguinis SK36 harbors a distinct “obelisk-S.s”
  • Under replete growth conditions, obelisk-S.s appears to be disposable for SK36 growth 

Find out more on Science Direct article titled Viroid-like colonists of human microbiomes (2024) by authors Ivan N. Zheludev, Robert C. Edgar, Maria Jose Lopez-Galiano, Marcos de la Peña, Artem Babaian, Ami S. Bhatt and Andrew Z. Fire.


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