4th Hop Viroid Workshop

On 8 April 2025, the University of Hohenheim (DE) invites you to an online workshop to exchange knowledge and explore strategies to mitigate viroid risks in hop production. In English, free of charge.

University of Hohenheim (DE) invites you to the 4th Workshop on Hop Viroids - online edition, where they will discuss recent developments in viroid research, spread, detection, and management in hops.

Since 2021, the annual Hop Viroid Workshop has provided a platform for agile research groups to exchange findings and strategies to keep viroids away from hops. The 4th digital edition builds on past discussions and with presentations on key research results from Germany (UHOH, LfL), Slovenia (IHPS, UJ), and Czech Republic (IHR). Presentations from the practice on new methods or related topics of plant health and management are welcome to be presented.

When: Tuesday, 8 April 2025 at 8:30 CET
Format: Online (Zoom)
Registration deadline: 31 March 2025*
The workshop will be held in English. Participation in the workshop is free of charge.

*Registration & Presentation: To participate in the Hop Viroid Workshop, send a short email with the subject "Hop Viroid Workshop," including your name and institute, to pro-bioeconomy@uni-hohenheim.de by March 31, 2025, to ensure you receive a certificate of participation. If you wish to give a presentation, please submit the title, speaker's name, and preferred duration (5–30 min) to the same email address.


Viroid infections pose an increasing threat to hop production, with Citrus Bark Cracking Viroid (CBCVd) spreading from Slovenia to Hallertau since 2019 and Hop Stunt Viroid (HSVd) recently detected in Germany. Unlike fungal pathogens, viroids can remain latent for months or even years, making early detection challenging. Hops naturally host four viroid species, with a fifth infecting them experimentally, raising concerns about their susceptibility and the role of climate change, global trade, and farm management in their spread.

The workshop provides a platform for researchers and industry professionals to exchange knowledge and explore strategies to mitigate viroid risks in hop production.

Topics: Viroid spread & control in hops – Waterborne transmission via irrigation – Viroid degradation in
water & plant material – Farm management: hygiene, sanitation, crop rotation – Viroid-free plants
through tissue culture elimination – Detection: molecular diagnostics, early identification – HSVd spread
in Germany – Novel viroids: CEVd as experimental hop pathogen – Tissue culture test systems for
research & eradication – Integrated strategies: early detection, phytosanitary measures, sustainable

4th Hop Viroid Workshop

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